by Craig Davis
You choose employees for the value they add to your business — whether a key member of your management team, a skilled technician or your executive assistant. If anyone suffers an on-the-job injury, you want to try to take care of them and minimize lost productivity. A workers’ compensation policy can address medical care and […]
by Craig Davis
Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday season with your friends and family, and your 2024 finished on a high note. I wrote an article last January regarding the importance of reviewing your insurance portfolio and making it a New Year’s Resolution. I focused mainly on Home and Auto Insurance, as […]
by Craig Davis
Life is unpredictable, and as much as you may plan, there’s always something around the corner that never crossed your worried mind. If the unexpected occurs, do you have enough liability limits to protect your and your family’s assets the way you want? If you were found liable for an accident, would your current liability […]
by Craig Davis
October is National Fire Prevention Month, and as I sit here today writing this article on September 17th, we have three major fires that have been burning in our region, including our Southwest Riverside neighbors in Lake Elsinore that are dealing with the devastating Airport Fire. We won’t know the extent of the damage until […]
by Craig Davis
We are halfway through the summer here in California, and many of my friends, family, and insurance customers are spending quality time out on the water with their boats and water toys. Speedboats, ski boats, sail boats, fishing boats, cabin cruisers, pontoon boats, WaveRunners, Jet Skis, catamarans, yachts, and so many more. Unlike auto insurance, […]
by Craig Davis
I wrote an article for The Valley Business Journal a few months ago titled “Rising Insurance Rates and the California Fair Plan”. Rates are continuing to rise; insurance companies are still in moratoriums and/or leaving the Golden State altogether and many Californians are still being forced to seek coverage with new companies due to non-renewals […]
by Craig Davis
Several business owners make upgrades to buildings they rent from a landlord. In Commercial Property Insurance, these upgrades are called tenants improvements and betterments or TIBs. Part of the Building Tenants improvements and betterments are paid for by the tenant but become part of the building. Unless a contract states otherwise, the landlord generally obtains […]
by Craig Davis
If you drive a car, own a home or a business in California, you’ve more than likely noticed substantial premium increases, and in some cases, your insurance company has instituted a moratorium (pause) on new business, or even worse, they’ve left the state entirely. I have been in the insurance industry for thirty-seven years, over […]
by Craig Davis
I know that I’ve written several times about the importance of reviewing your insurance portfolio the past few years, but there have been so many changes, especially here in California, that it’s imperative that those of in the industry continue to remind our customers and the public. My agency recently celebrated our 33rd anniversary. I […]
You choose employees for the value they add to your business-whether a key member of your management team, a skilled technician, or your executive assistant. If anyone suffers an on-the-job injury, you want to try and take care of them and minimize lost productivity. Who is required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance? All California employers […]
by Craig Davis
Last month I wrote an article regarding the current state of insurance in California that pertained to the Property and Casualty market. There’s no doubt that the insurance industry is definitely going through some serious growing pains and major adjustments have been implemented with companies increasing rates and tightening their underwriting belts to try and […]
by Craig Davis
I’ve been working in the insurance industry for just over 36 years and coming up on 33 years as an agency owner. I have navigated my insurance agency through many changes in the industry over the years, including the Fire Insurance Moratorium in California following the Northridge Earthquake in 1994, when 93% of major insurance […]
by Craig Davis
You pride yourself on operating a safe, secure work environment where your employees can perform to the best of their ability while helping your business grow. Even in the most ideal circumstances, the reality is that accidents and illness still happen. This is especially true in the pandemic world we currently live in. A slip […]
by Craig Davis
If you own a home in Southwest Riverside County, or anywhere in California for that matter, you’ve likely been affected by fire line scores for your Fire Insurance/Homeowner policy. So, what is a fire line or wildfire score? The majority of California homes have a wildfire or fire line score, a property specific rating provided […]
by Craig Davis
Each year when Spring rolls around, I remind everyone of the importance of reviewing their insurance portfolio. A change in marital status, birth of a child, new job, or the purchase of a home are just a few of the prime examples that create overlaps or gaps in coverage. Now, throw in the Covid-19 Curveball […]
by Craig Davis
Did you know that most burglaries happen between 10am and 3pm? When you are out of the house, make it harder for a burglar to break in with these simple and safe tips. Landscape strategically- A few well-placed motion-sensor lights, some thorny bushes or plants, and a couple of prune trees can do wonders for […]
by Craig Davis
I have mentioned the importance of reviewing your insurance portfolio in the past and it has never been more significant, especially with the unfortunate insanity that we have all had to endure this past year with Covid-19. Several small businesses in our community have suffered, particularly restaurants and those in the hospitality industry, including our […]
by Craig Davis
Life is unpredictable, and as much as you plan, there’s always something around the bend that never crossed your worried mind. If the unexpected occurs, do you have enough liability limits to protect your and your family’s assets the way you want? If you were found liable for an accident, would your current liability limits […]
by Craig Davis
Minimum coverage options: Property Insurance can fund repairs or replacements for damaged physical assets when disasters like vandalism, fire, windstorms, or hail strike. Liability Insurance can protect against financial losses resulting from claims of injury or property damage caused by you or your employees and your products or services. Workers’ Compensation Insurance can satisfy your […]
by Craig Davis
I am extremely proud that our little family insurance agency will be celebrating our 30th year in business on October 16th. I began my career with Farmers Insurance in July of 1987 in the Carlsbad Regional Office Mailroom. I was a 21-year-old kid that planned on working in the regional office for the summer, before […]
by Craig Davis
Are you convinced that life insurance is important for you, but don’t want to spend weeks running around comparing rates and providers? Here are eight critical questions to ask your agent about life insurance. Keep in mind, these probably aren’t the only questions you have, but they’re the ones you won’t want to leave without […]
by Craig Davis
What’s in your commercial real estate portfolio? Maybe your renovated strip mall is attracting upscale tenants. Perhaps your family business thrives on a mix of industrial properties, warehouses and distribution centers. Or you might own office buildings and self-storage facilities. Each commercial property is unique, and an insurance agent/broker can show you a full menu […]
by Craig Davis
You knew this day would come, but who knew it’d be so soon!? Wasn’t it yesterday you were putting them in their car seat, pushing them in a stroller, and teaching them to ride a bike? Now they’re ready to drive! When the heck did that happen!? Let’s be honest…parenting a teenager these days is […]
by Craig Davis
The California workers’ compensation marketplace today remains generally healthy for insurers, employers and injured workers, according to Bill Mudge, President and CEO of the Workers’ Comp Insurance Rating Bureau. Mudge said a stable lost cost environment coupled with the growing California economy has contributed to eight consecutive advisory pure premium rate reductions approved by the […]