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National Fire Prevention Month

October is National Fire Prevention Month, and as I sit here today writing this article on September 17th, we have three major fires that have been burning in our region, including our Southwest Riverside neighbors in Lake Elsinore that are dealing with the devastating Airport Fire.  We won’t know the extent of the damage until this article is published in a couple weeks, but we know thus far that over 100 structures have been lost.  Prayers and Positive thoughts to those that have experienced loss in these horrific fires.

California has had a difficult time with fires over the past 20 years (especially the last 5-7 years), and unfortunately we are suffering with major insurance companies either leaving our state, enforcing a moratorium on homes written, or companies that have severely tightened their underwriting, not only in the home insurance market, but the commercial and auto market as well.  Insurance rates across the United States have increased substantially the last three years, and California homeowners in fire prone areas have been forced to take coverage out with the California Fair Plan.  I’ve never seen anything like this in the 37 plus years that I’ve been in the insurance industry.  With that being said, there are still insurance companies and agents/brokers that are here to help you in our state, and I’d like to think that I am one of them.

There are certainly things that we cannot control, but I wanted to share a few items that I read in articles from First Alert and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association).  The goal of Fire Prevention Month (and week October 6th-12th) is to raise fire safety awareness and help protect homes and families.  In 1922, the National fire Protection Association (NFPA) named the second week of October Fire Prevention Week in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871.  Today, First Alert celebrates Fire Prevention Week and Month by spreading fire safety awareness and educating families, students and communities across the United States with help from their partners and local fire departments.

The NFPA’s 2024 campaign for Fire Prevention Month is “Smoke Alarms: Make them work for you!”  Did You Know?  Installing reliable protection and being proactive is important to help keep your loved ones safe from a fire or carbon monoxide emergency.

  • Unattended cooking is the #1 cause of home fires. (NFPA)
  • A fire department responds to a fire every 23 seconds in America. (NFPA)
  • Carbon monoxide is the #1 cause of accidental poisoning in the US. (CDC)
  • Almost 3 of every 5 home fire deaths resulted from fires with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. (NFPA)

Key messages for this year’s Fire Prevention Week theme, “Smoke Alarms: Make them work for you!” include the following:

  • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area (like a hallway), and on each level of the home.
  • Make sure smoke alarms meet the needs of all family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
  • Test smoke alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button.
  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or don’t respond when tested.

On a personal note, I started my career with Farmers in July of 1987 (37 years ago) and branched off to join the agency force in October of 1990.  This month the Craig Davis Family Insurance Agency is celebrating our 34th year in business.  Thank you to our amazing community for supporting us over the years, we appreciate you!

Written by Craig Davis

Craig Davis is an agent for Farmers Insurance and the owner of Craig Davis Family Insurance located at 27625 Jefferson, Suite 100, in Temecula. He may be reached at (951) 699-1776.

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