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An Introduction to Slip and Fall Accidents

by Attorney Morton J. Grabel & Attorney Mark R. Denning

While some slip and fall cases can be handled on your own in Small Claims Court, most will require the assistance of an experienced attorney. Slip and fall cases are difficult to win in court, because there is no exact method for proving that a property owner (or employee) owes you compensation for an injury that occurred on their property.  Property owners often are able to defend slip and fall accidents [especially in Small Claims Court], and if you do not have an experienced attorney on your side you may be unable to prove the required law or that you deserve compensation for your injuries or loss of income.

TIP:  If you are suing a business or if your slip and fall injuries are significant, you can be certain the opposing party will have experienced attorneys representing them.  It is unlikely that you have the ability to negotiate a reasonable settlement or win a lawsuit against a defense attorney on your own; therefore, you should have a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on your side. *Choose the Law Office of Morton Grabel, APLC.

First, you must prove there was a dangerous condition caused by the person you are suing by showing: a] the condition occurred on their property, b] that they knew or should have known about it, c] and that they were responsible for it.  Proving all the foregoing steps in a slip and fall case is not as easy as it sounds, and an experienced attorney can help you by:

  • Gathering and organizing the appropriate evidence of your slip and fall
  • Speaking with witnesses and learning in detail from a legal frame of reference or basis
  • Researching and using similar cases to build a sound legal argument and submit it effectively
  • Hiring expert witnesses to argue the property owner was negligent
    negotiating a fair settlement for your injuries
  • Working with physicians, and all other providers of care to obtain and properly interpret the appropriate medicals records and billing
  • Working with insurance adjusters or opposing attorneys
  • Assessing the value of your case, and pursuing all the damages you deserve

If you wish to pursue a slip and fall injury case, you should immediately contact an experienced attorney at the Law office of Morton Grabel, APLC. The Law Office of Morton Grabel, APLC offers free consultations with no obligation to review your slip and fall case or any other personal injury claim.

TIP: It is usually too late to hire an attorney if you have signed a settlement offer or accepted money from the property owner or their insurance company.  Consequently, if you choose you can start your slip and fall claim on your own and see how it progresses; and get an experienced attorney involved at any time during the process if you are not making headway.  However, keep in mind that you can make mistakes early on that can wipe out your case or lawsuit, frankly, the earlier you involve an experienced attorney, the better off you’ll be.

Paying a Slip and Fall Attorney
The Law Office of Morton Grabel accepts slip and fall cases on a contingency fee, which means the law office shall receive a percentage of any settlement that is obtained for your case, and if you do not receive any money, then our office receives nothing as well.  Also, if you chose to hire an attorney for your case, be certain to have all agreements regarding payment, costs, etc., in writing at the beginning of your case. The Law Office of Morton Grabel strictly adheres to this guiding principle to insure clarity and a positive working relationship between you and our law office.

Working with a Slip and Fall Attorney
A slip and fall lawsuit will be managed by your attorney, however, you must continue to be active and be prepared to assist in making critical decisions in your case.  Your attorney should keep you informed of all issues in the case, obtain any necessary evidence you may have and prepare you to make informed decisions about accepting /rejecting settlement offers.

Please note: the information provided herein is general and not be relied upon for your circumstance. For further information or if you have any legal questions please call the Law Offices of Morton J. Grabel, in Temecula at (951) 695-7700. Mort originally from Philadelphia, PA is a graduate from an ABA Accredited Law School, has an MBA, a California Nursing Home Administrator’s License & a California Real Estate Broker’s License [both active and in good standing].

The Law Office of Morton Grabel, APLC sues businesses that fail to protect their customers, clients and visitors from slip and fall injuries. This office has recovered millions of dollars in personal injury claims for the residents of the Inland Empire.