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Tavaglione Named Elected Official of the Year by PublicCEO

tavaglioneAn online media organization that focuses on local government throughout California has named Riverside County Board of Supervisors Chairman its elected official of the year.


As president of the California State Association of Counties, Tavaglione spearheaded the coalition’s efforts in 2011 to reduce the damaging effects of state budget decisions on county governments across California. Tavaglione established a direct relationship with Gov. Jerry Brown and routinely met with the governor, members of his administration and state legislators to represent the needs and interests of residents.


In announcing Tavaglione’s selection, PublicCEO said the first issue Brown addressed as governor was a realignment plan that shifts billions of dollars to the local level for services previously provided by the state. The plan carried tremendous risks for the governments as well as local residents but CSAC and Tavaglione worked with the governor to develop a plan that was manageable, safe, and responsible, PublicCEO said in its announcement.


PublicCEO also highlighted Tavaglione’s work to reduce budget deficits and push pension reform in Riverside County. “Riverside has made difficult and sometimes unpopular choices, such as cutting non-public safety budgets by an average of 25%. But those decisions helped the county protect its reserve fund while ensuring the safety of its residents,” PublicCEO said. Tavaglione has served continuously on the Board since his election in 1994.


For the full text from PublicCEO about Tavaglione’s selection, go to