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Granite Construction & South Coast AQMD

Granite Construction Company today announced its commitment to allow only clean trucks to use the proposed Liberty Quarry project in Southwest Riverside County. Allowing only trucks with clean air engines will reduce emissions from Granite trucks as well as heavy-duty trucks that are already involved in transporting aggregate throughout the region.


The use of only clean trucks was strongly recommended by both the Coalition for Clean Air and South Coast Air Quality Management District to substantially reduce regional air quality impacts and the potential for health risk. The Liberty Quarry expanded clean truck program reduces individual truck engine PM10 emissions by up to 90% and the potential for diesel related health impacts for the project according to studies by Kleinfelder. It is the first time any project in the Inland Empire of any type has made such a commitment.


The air district also recommended, and Granite has also agreed, to use solar panels at the site to generate some of the onsite electrical power needs. Air district staff acknowledged in an April 26 letter to Riverside County, that, “(W)ith the inclusion of these measures, this project will become a leader in the industry for its commitment to reducing air quality and health impacts.”


“I support this project without concern that it poses health risks in my community based on the data already presented. This new commitment to allow only clean trucks to use the quarry is a very big deal because it decreases the health impact of the trucks already on our roads,” noted Murrieta pediatrician and Redhawk resident, Dr. Colette Grant, “Everyone should appreciate Granite going the extra mile to improve local air quality and reduce those associated health risk.”

Additionally, according to the County’s independent EIR, Liberty Quarry will reduce regional truck traffic by 16.5 million miles, resulting in a 216 ton reduction in particulate matter and nitrogen oxide emissions, two key pollutants that must be significantly reduced in order for the region to meet federal health-based air quality standards.


Granite Construction has a proud history of leadership when it comes to supporting sustainability and new environmental technology,” stated Gary Johnson, Aggregate Resource Manager for Granite Construction.


The County Planning Commission is scheduled to continue its review of the Liberty Quarry project and the FEIR findings at a third public hearing on June 22 beginning at 9 a.m. at Rancho Community Church in Temecula.  A full copy of the FEIR is available on Riverside County’s Planning Department home page, and can also be found at