Looking for a new marketing strategy for your business? Start writing. Well placed articles, blogs and even books can give your business unique and inexpensive exposure. By becoming more and more read, the audience will view you as an established subject matter expert. By earning their trust new customers and increased sales can be drawn to your business.
Where can articles be published? Journals such as the one you are reading right now are an excellent choice. They have a loyal audience who typically trust the integrity of the editor and her authors. Combining your advertisement with an article gives you an unprecedented boost above your competition. Magazines that specialize in your business segment may publish articles from those with years of experience. Newspapers publish special interest stories on local companies and their products or services. A quick call or email to the editor should give some direction. If you have more time and dedication, writing your own blog is a popular media outlet.
With proper timing, tweeting and sharing on social media sites your name can be all over the world before you know it. It does take consistency and hard work especially during the launch but can pay high dividends over time.
Which brings up the question, how often should you write? That will depend on what you set for goals. Depending on the availability of the media, you may only have an article published a couple of times a year. With dedication and multiple sources maybe once per month. If you’re an outstanding writer, they may come and knock on your door for content. But if seeking high results, the blog is probably best. In this case, plan on short paragraphs 2-3 times per week. This is necessary to keep current and hold your readers interest so they are looking forward to what will be shared next.
Since this is a marketing strategy, do some planning up front. Decide what you are hoping to accomplish and who you want to be your audience. Set goals that will give a target and help determine where and how often to publish.
Finally, if writing isn’t your thing, consider hiring a “ghost writer”. There are many of us around willing to help craft your ideas into a literary work of art.