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Helping Employees Find that Sweet Spot

by Ted Saul, Senior Staff Writer

We know that the engaged employee is an important element to bringing success to a company. Those in touch with the work they really enjoy and know how it fits in to their career goals will be loyal and focused. This is the sweet spot where one is most efficient, creative and productive. As a business owner and manager of personnel you can provide the coaching that will help develop these employees.

First thing, know your employees. Besides having career planning meetings with them, observe what they do without being asked. Where are they putting their effort and what comes easily for them. If you have someone who is good at mentoring new employees, they are most likely a people person and have the ability to explain things well. How about the person who goes above and beyond straightening up store displays, the stockroom or work areas. Organization is probably one of their strengths.

Then there is the one who really likes to figure out what is going wrong with a computer, printer or other technical device. Is there a strong writer or communicator among the team? Develop these skills and position them in roles where they can be used. Your employee will be much more content in their job and likely stay on board longer.

Another activity is the use of skills testing. There are a number available and they can help pinpoint where your employees will excel. Some of these evaluations show personality traits which explain why they perform better in certain situations. They will also help to increase understanding between employees. This is a good investment in your employees and the return will soon be seen.

Lastly, be sure you have a development program and path available for employees to show them that what they are doing today will benefit their job of tomorrow. This might lead to another role in a new department or to a management position. But it just might mean they will move on to another company as the next step in their career. Having open conversations and understanding career goals may reduce the risk of suddenly losing a key employee.

At the end of the day you are giving your employees a “sense of purpose” in their job. In return you will see increased productivity and staff dedicated to making the business successful.

Ted Saul is a business coach that assists with Business Plans and Project Management. He holds a master certificate in project management and has earned his MBA from Regis University. Ted can be reached on LinkedIn, TedS787 on Twitter or emailing

Written by Ted Saul, Sr. Staff Writer

Ted Saul is a business coach that assists with Business Plans and Project Management. He holds a master certificate in project management and has earned his MBA from Regis University. Ted can be reached on LinkedIn, TedS787 on Twitter or emailing

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