The Board of Directors of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously on July 28 to support Measure S to ensure Temecula’s high quality of life and prevent cuts to safety and services. As our City is now maturing and developer’s fees are decreasing, the Board said we must work together to protect and continue to maintain the high quality of life and services for citizens.
“People live and do business in Temecula because it offers a high quality of life and a high level of services for its residents and businesses. It is important to maintain those levels and prevent cuts to services and programs,” the Temecula chamber’s Board of Directors said in a statement.
Measure S — the City of Temecula’s Emergency Response, Public Safety, and Vital City Services Measure — proposes to increase Temecula’s sales tax by 1 percent. If approved by voters in November, city staff estimates the move will add $23 million annually to Temecula’s coffers for safety and services. During a city council meeting last month, City Manager Aaron Adams noted that 51% of this increase in revenue will be paid by non-residents, and not by residents of Temecula.
If approved, Measure S will provide funds to maintain public safety and 911 emergency response services, keep roads, parks and infrastructure in good condition, and provide other vital services and programs that make Temecula a desirable place to live, work and do business.
Measure S would generate locally-controlled funds that cannot be taken by the State, to maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times, prevent cuts to local paramedic, police, fire protection, school safety patrols, youth/after-school, senior, disabled services, improve freeway interchanges, reduce traffic and provide for other general services.
Funds generated by Measure S will remain local and be spent on local essential services that benefit the residents and businesses in Temecula. The State of California continues to inconvenience businesses and cities with overregulation, increased costs and responsibilities while taking away funding. In the last 5 years alone, Sacramento has taken $31 million from the City.
Measure S includes sound business practices including strict accountability provisions with annual independent financial audits, public review of expenditures, and ensures that all funds remain in Temecula. These fiscal safeguards ensure local funds continue to be used efficiently, effectively and as promised.
For more information about Measure S and maintaining Temecula’s vital services and quality of life, please visit the City’s website at