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Increasing Employee Morale Reduces Worker’s Comp Claims

bJamiMcNeesy Jami McNees

Businesses with low employee morale and high turnover suffer from a higher rate of stress related Worker’s Compensation claims.  These claims add additional stress to the remaining employees by way of additional responsibility to an already overloaded list of tasks.  Negativity then increases thus costing the business a substantial amount of lost productivity and money. Reducing stress by increasing employee morale can directly decrease Worker’s Compensation claims. 

Both employer and employees have a duty to create a culture that increases morale.  Programs can be implemented that make an effort to recognize workers who go beyond the call of duty. Sincere recognition by an employee’s superiors (not just a cheesy “Attaboy”) is considered one of the most necessary requirements for an employee’s increase in job satisfaction.  Acknowledgement of an employee’s efforts and a willingness by an employer to provide additional training create a win/win for all concerned.

As Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer state in the book, The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Workresearchers identify forward momentum and quantifiable progress as positive enhancement to work satisfaction.  A wise employer/manager can increase employee morale and reduce stress related Worker’s Compensation claims by creating a work environment that fosters scenarios which will quantify and reward progress.

Begin increasing employee morale by allowing for more autonomy, establish clear goals that result in measurable progress, and most important demonstrate respect and appreciation.  Lastly, be bold enough to remove toxic employees who destroy motivation and drive in their fellow employees.  All combined, this management style will result in increased morale, productivity and profitability.

Jami McNees is with Temecula Insurance Services in Temecula.   She may be reached at (951) 694-5200.