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Quick Tips to Lower Your Utility Bills this Summer

RustyCochranby Rusty Cochran


Here are some tips to help you lower your utility bills this summer so you can spend more money on some summer fun:


Filters:  Change your filter as needed. Dirt and dust hinder air flow, reducing efficiency.


Program the thermostat: When you are not home turn the temperature up. Shifting the settings to allow higher daytime temperatures could save you up to $180 a year.


Seal up the house:  Don’t lose your cool air through cracks along window and door frames.. A home that is properly insulated and sealed improves energy efficiency by up to 20% year-round


Change light bulbs:  Upgrade your incandescent bulbs to compact fluorescents bulbs. Compact fluorescents use less energy than conventional bulbs, and generate less heat.


Close the blinds: Rooms get hotter without shades or curtains to block the sunlight, especially with south- and west-facing windows.


Use fans:    A breeze makes the room feel a few degrees cooler. Just be sure to turn it off when leaving.


Tune Up Your Air Conditioner. A Clean air conditioner costs less money to operate. It can actually lower utility bills by up to 30%.


Give us a call today @ 1-951-600-0700 if you have not already prepared your systems to save you money this summer.