Homes for Heroes™ is a program that was developed to save money for our Heroes! It is a national company formed in 2002 following the September 11, 2001 tragedy. This innovative network was created by a group of real estate-related business owners, joined together by a shared admiration for the often underpaid and underappreciated “heroes” who serve and sacrifice for our country and communities.
By using a Homes for Heroes™ affiliate for any real estate business, significant savings can be obtained and also it enables the funding of The Homes for Heroes Foundation. The Foundation has no administrative overhead; no rent or salaries are paid. Donations received go directly back to the hero community in the form of assistance.
Who qualifies as a Hero? Although the program originally started out to serve our military heroes, it has expanded to serve even more community workforce heroes who provide vital services to the public every day. Workforce Heroes can include, but are not limited to: Military personnel -Teachers – Firefighters -Peace officers – Healthcare Workers
Who are the Real Estate Professionals – The Friends of Heroes? Homes for Heroes™ has now grown to become a nationwide affiliation of Real Estate Professionals offering considerable savings to community heroes when they buy, sell or refinance a home. These professionals can include real estate agents, mortgage loan officers, termite companies, home inspection companies, or other companies related to the real estate industry.
We call these professionals Friends of Heroes. Each of the professionals participating in this program have agreed to either discount or credit a portion of their fees back to the Hero in order to lower the total closing costs on the purchase, sale or refinance of their home. To register for the Homes for Heroes program simply go to and enter your information. Please use the drop down menu and select Karen Davis. Thank you.
Karen Davis NMLS #245892 is regional vice president of The Mortgage House, Inc. She has over 36 years’ experience in the mortgage banking industry. Your e-mailed questions are welcomed through her website at: or call her at 1-800-305-9731. This article is a forum to explore real estate principles. It is not intended to provide tax, legal, insurance or investment advice and should not be relied upon for any of these purposes.