by Tom Grimes
Domain names, registrars, hosting, nameservers, DNS and so many more names and acronyms. Do you have questions about what is involved in bringing your business website online for you to reach your potential customers? Here is a high-level view of what a web developer works with daily. You purchased a domain name because you wanted […]
by Tom Grimes
You have started or purchased your own business. Congratulations! Now come the many decisions you will need to make to be successful in a competitive world: employees, products, services, vendors, a brick-and-mortar or online presence, or both. There are many possible choices for building your online presence—social media, landing pages, funnels, or websites. Your online […]
Each year the tech industry provides consumers with a long list of gift ideas. The number of choices can be overwhelming so I’ve categorized some of the fasted growing technologies. Solar powered. Small panels that can be easily packed and transported are now attached to most any device requiring power. For example, a solar powered […]
Recently at a well-attended breakfast event with local officials, business leaders and residents the moderator asked how many in the audience had used AI. Only a few hands went up. Artificial Intelligence is all over the news these days. What is it? How does it work? Will it really change the world? Fear not, good […]
Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, Robin laid an egg! It’s that time of year again and we’ve got a buying guide that will guarantee you won’t be laying any eggs when picking gifts for your loved ones. Earbuds: They are small, lightweight, and easy to carry around in your pocket or bag. They are also typically […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a central topic of technical discussions these days but also comes up in the business world. AI technology has been in existence for a while but as of late is seeing immense growth. Existing AI applications that interface with people include SIRI, Alexa, GPS driven maps, facial recognition and Chatbots that […]
by James Laszko
“Oh, an email from Microsoft? That looks important.” Once you’ve opened the email the situation looks even more dire. “My account has been compromised?!” The email presents an easy solution: Microsoft, the ever helpful and friendly company has stopped the malicious actor in their tracks, and only needs you to login to verify your account […]
by James Laszko
IT professionals have many loves: cable management, acronyms, mechanical keyboards and buzzwords. Most of the time, your interaction with “IT stuff” comes in the form of buzzwords you hear. I don’t believe many of our readers would know that SCSI is pronounced “scuzzy,” but if I were you ask you about “the cloud” most of […]
by James Laszko
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to give businesses foundational structure and common language to address their own individual security needs. As larger businesses invest heavily in cybersecurity, bad guys are turning their focus to small business as they are perceived as easier targets. The NIST CSF is […]
The CEO of one of our client companies sent an email to the CFO simply asking if the CFO was in the office and if so to please respond that they were. The problem was that the CEO never wrote the email. There was nothing “wrong” with the email except that it sounded a little […]
Now that much of the dust from 2020 has settled, it is time to make decisions about the future of your workforce. Will they be staying remote (work from home), is everyone returning to the office or will you be taking a hybrid approach? A huge component of this decision is the planning for what’s […]
by James Laszko
Many of you reading this are probably asking yourselves a similar question: what is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is what is known as cryptocurrency. The concept is a relatively simple one, but the practical implementation is anything but. Essentially, the idea behind cryptocurrency is that it provides an anonymous method of payment for digital transactions. Computers generate […]
by James Laszko
IT professionals have many loves: cable management, acronyms, mechanical keyboards and buzzwords. Most of the time, your interaction with “IT stuff” comes in the form of buzzwords you hear. I don’t believe many of our readers would know that SCSI is pronounced “scuzzy,” but if I were you ask you about “the cloud” most of […]
Your relationship with your IT department or IT provider may be one of the most difficult business relationships you have. Often times you may feel you are speaking two entirely different languages. Effectively communicating is crucial to the success of your business and your bottom line. Those in the IT industry are generally pretty good […]
by James Laszko
Technology has always been a dynamic market. Traditional focus has moved from a hardware/software to virtualization and the cloud but data has clearly been designated as the true prize and in the unpatrolled world of the Internet, it is up to you to secure it. You can have the fastest car in the lot but […]
by James Laszko
“Oh, an email from Microsoft? That looks important.” Once you’ve opened the email the situation looks even more dire. “My account has been compromised?!” The email presents an easy solution: Microsoft, the ever helpful and friendly company has stopped the malicious actor in their tracks, and only needs you to login to verify your account […]
You are probably tired of reading about email security with constant chatter about phishing attacks. I get it, I’ve written 3 other articles on the topic. This month I’d like to go a step further and discuss other ways that criminals gain you or your client’s information through different types of social engineering. Social engineering […]
Your laptops and desktop computers along with mobile devices make up your home IT department. They are depended on to complete financial transactions, provide entertainment and control a variety of connected appliances. Most importantly they may be the focal point for receiving teaching by way of on-line classes along with research and homework. These systems […]
by James Laszko
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to give businesses foundational structure and common language to address their own individual security needs. As larger businesses invest heavily in cybersecurity, bad guys are turning their focus to small business as they are perceived as easier targets. The NIST CSF is […]
He will be responsible for service team leadership, driving growth and excellence in service delivery, as well as serving on the Mythos leadership team. Freddie has a passion for excellence and a demonstrated ability of developing and managing high performance teams. He is an accomplished executive, with 15 years’ experience in technology and is skilled […]
by James Laszko
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to give businesses foundational structure and common language to address their own individual security needs. In our previous article NIST – Achieving Alignment in Cybersecurity we established that some form of cybersecurity posture is necessary to simply do business in today’s environment. […]
by James Laszko
In my previous article NIST – Achieving Alignment in Cybersecurity we discussed how the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to give businesses foundational structure and common language to address their own individual security needs. We established that some form of cybersecurity posture is necessary to simply do business […]
by James Laszko
Technology has always been a dynamic market. Traditional focus has moved from a hardware/software to virtualization and the cloud but data has clearly been designated as the true prize and in the unpatrolled world of the Internet, it is up to you to secure it. You can have the fastest car in the lot but […]
With more online meetings taking place in today’s environment, there are some best practices to follow to ensure their success.
Start by making sure equipment is adequate to participate in the conference. Being able to hear, be heard and seen is key to a successful conference call. Check the quality of your microphone, speakers and camera on the device being used, whether a computer, tablet or phone by making a test call with a friend. If audio quality isn’t clear consider investing in a headset or earpiece. Going wireless will make mobility easier too.
Before the meeting, conferences should be planned by the host.