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Make Your Website Look Like 2017

August 6th 1991 is an important date in Internet history. On this day, the first website was launched for public use. While the site no longer exists one can imagine how it might have looked. So how is your website? Does it compare favorably to the competitions? Does it look like it belongs in 2017 or 1991? The company website can easily be a “set and forget” task but technology is progressing with new tools and formats developed regularly and it won’t take long until your site looks out of date. Consider these website basics.

Is what is being sold clear?  Products and services needs to be prominently displayed so customers know they have the right site while being drawn to find out more information.  Pricing should be easily found as well.  Remember potential customers may only spend a few seconds looking at the site so it needs to grab and hold their attention.  Use images and videos to enhance the shopping experience.  The use of visual media has been a catalyst to the growth of online sales.  Keep your media library updated using technology like 3D photography to give the buyer the ability to look at your product from all angles.  Videos can show a product in action while giving the opportunity to narrate the experience.

Websites must be simple and intuitive.

With programming tools today there is no reason to have viewers be more than a few clicks away from what they are looking.  If your business is primarily online sales, then hot selling and sale items should be on the front page.  You may want to use a scroll through format to reduce the amount of page loading.  With a higher number of items in your stock, a good filter is a necessity to help customers narrow down their search.

Don’t forget to review company information.  Allow visitors to easily find who you are, where you’re located and the best contact methods.  Background history can be important to help sell your company along with products.

Finally, checkout should be fast and easy.

There are many new ways to process payments so make sure you are using the latest and safest tools.  Twenty-six years later the website plays a key role in business.   Take time to make it look like it belongs in 2017.

Ted Saul is a business coach that assists with Business Plans and Project Management.  He holds a master certificate in project management and has earned his MBA from Regis University.  Ted can be reached on LinkedIn, TedS787 on Twitter or emailing

Written by Ted Saul, Sr. Staff Writer

Ted Saul is a business coach that assists with Business Plans and Project Management. He holds a master certificate in project management and has earned his MBA from Regis University. Ted can be reached on LinkedIn, TedS787 on Twitter or emailing

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