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The Business Technology Roadmap

by Jarom Renfeldt

Does your business have a road map to address your business challenges and opportunities with new technologies? You can design your business around technology or design your technology around your business. A roadmap will enable you to make effective connections between the key components of your business.

The best IT solution in the world will not be effective in helping you shape your business unless you have a basic understanding of how you would like to manage your business. All computers help you to do is to execute ineffective processes with more speed.

All too often, discussions of Information Technology focus on the technology and practically ignore the information. The key to deploying an effective IT solution is to understand what information you need to run the business prior to defining the technology that will be deployed. Unfortunately, business can be distracted by technological “shiny objects” and find themselves experiencing buyer’s remorse a few years later. In order to reduce the risk of buyer’s remorse, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the information that keeps your business engine running. Information is power, and it gives you the power to make informed decisions.

The first stage to developing a technology roadmap is for the owner to describe their business in terms that make it easier to determine how IT solutions might be useful to their business, such as:

  1. What do you do?
  2. How do you do it?
  3. Where is your business today?
  4. Where do you want your business to be?
  5. How are you going to get your business there?

After the technology roadmap is complete a business owner can safely budget all IT expenditures for the following five years. Desktop and server refreshes, upgrades and migrations, hardware and software for a growing workforce are all accounted for. Even acquisition of emerging technologies can be planned for future business challenges.

At JR-Tech, we partner with each client to help them strategize their plan, outline their technological goals, and then we blueprint their individual roadmap for them.

Jarom Renfeldt is the founder and President of JR-Tech, an IT services leader, serving businesses in the Inland Empire for over 10 years.


Jarom has written the book, ‘Business IT 101: the business owner’s guide for finding hassle-free computer support’ educating business owners to leverage technology for competitive advantage and growth of their business. Contact Jarom at or (951) 319-4040.