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Unified Communications: Just Another IT Marketing Ploy?

The IT industry is always on the lookout for the ‘next big thing’ and often it is seen as just a marketing ploy for companies to sell more products and services. The term Unified Communications (UC) can easily fall into that trap if it is not explained correctly. First, it’s important to point out that UC is NOT a product nor is it a one size fits all solution.

Definitions of UC vary and are fairly wordy but one of the shortest definitions sums it up the best, according to UCStrategies UC is “communications integrated to optimize business processes.” The list of products, feature and applications that fall under the UC definition is long but a few standouts are: IP PBX, Find Me/Follow Me, advanced mobility, automated call management, instant messaging, group calendaring, and web/phone conferencing.

Is your first reaction that UC sounds like a solution for only large business? Not true. Regardless of the size of your business, you must still keep up with the ever changing demands of technology in order to keep your employees and customers happy. As mentioned above, UC is not a product and there are four levels of adoption: personal productivity, workgroup productivity, business process integration and a full enterprise ecosystem. Though a full enterprise ecosystem may not be in your near future, personal productivity and possibly workgroup productivity probably are.

A UC solution designed for your business may enable your workforce to be more productive, reduce expenses by allowing your employees to work remotely and give your business the competitive edge by communicating more effectively with your prospects and clients. As with all business solution purchases, be sure you are working with a consultant who takes the time to really learn your business, understands your budget and who has implemented solutions successfully in other businesses. Will Rogers once said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” A business owner can certainly learn from that cowboy!

Mythos Technology is an IT consulting and management firm that specializes in Hosted Business Solutions. For more information, please visit  or call (951) 813-2672.

Written by Stefani Laszko

Mythos Technology is an IT consulting and management firm. For more information, please visit or call (951) 813-2672.

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