After a three year hiatus, the Murrieta Police Department announced the return of the Southwest Valley Youth Court, in partnership with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department (Southwest Station) in June of 2023.
At the opening session, Judge Raquel Marquez heard a total of five cases involving youth from our community, and continued to preside monthly since that time. Youth Court is a youth diversion program in which minors who are first-time offenders can have their cases heard before a jury of their peers instead of in criminal court. The minor is represented by a volunteer teen attorney and is also prosecuted by another teen attorney. Youth court programs strive to nurture respect for the rule of law, help develop positive citizenship attitudes, encourage civic engagement, and promote educational success through a variety of service-learning opportunities, strategies, and activities.
The primary function of the Southwest Valley Youth Court is to determine a fair and restorative sentence for the juvenile respondent. Dispositions will include mandatory future Youth Court jury service, and one or more of the following: community service hours, letters of apology, life plan essays, educational workshops, counseling, drug awareness classes, jail tours, curfew restrictions, behavior contracts, and other creative dispositions.
Currently, Youth Court has over 150 youth volunteers working in the roles of youth attorneys, bailiffs, and youth jurors. In addition, five volunteer case managers and several officers assist in the operation and the coordination of the Youth Court.
Youth Court volunteers actively learn the roles and responsibilities of the various parts of the judicial system by volunteering as Youth Juror, Youth Attorney, and Law Enforcement Explorers volunteer as Bailiffs.
Youth Courts offer a powerful set of civic opportunities for the youth in our communities while receiving community service hours. Volunteer applications are being accepted for high schoolers living in the cities of Murrieta and Temecula.
In addition to monthly sessions, the Murrieta Police Department in partnership with the Riverside County Police Activities League is excited to send approximately 30 youth to the statewide conference this summer. The 19th Annual California Associations of Youth Court’s Summit will be held at the University of California, Merced June 27 to June 30. The youth from our community will continue to actively learn the roles and responsibilities of the various parts of the judicial system.Their training will include a variety of subjects including creative sentencing options, strength-based justice, advocacy for youth, the effects of teenage substance abuse, incorporating civic engagement, and trauma-informed care.
Students interested in participating in the Southwest Valley Youth Court can find an application on the Murrieta Police Department’s website or by contacting Corporal Matt Mozingo at